16 Publications in 6 Years!

Our Senior Leadership team and BCBAs are incredibly active participants in the field of behavior analysis. Even in a year as busy as 2020, six members of our staff have been published this year, with some being published multiple times!

Our Executive Director, Dr. Laura Grow, and our Classroom Trainer in Class C, Samantha Breeman, were published in Behavioral Interventions earlier this year for their work on Samantha’s dissertation which evaluated drifts from protocol and its impact on learning in language programs. 

Samantha was also published in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis for her research evaluating methods to arrange instructional sessions to promote skill generalization. 

Our Clinical Director, Dr. Danielle Gureghian, and our Classroom Trainer in Class A, Rafaella Gashi, were published in Behavior Analysis in Practice for their research determining the best timing for student reinforcer choice. 

Allen Porter, our Classroom Trainer in Classes D & E, was published in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis for his work on his research on helping individuals with autism increase self-control and decrease impulsive behaviors when completing less preferred tasks and Taylor Custer, our Classroom Trainer in Class A2, was published for her research on helping adults with autism improve conversational skills. 

For more information on research by our staff, you can download a list of their publications here.